Improving pip’s Documentation¶
We want to establish whether or not the official pip documentation helps users to solve their pip problems. We also want to identify possible improvements to the content and structure of the docs.
We conducted interviews with pip users specifically discussing documentation. During these interviews we asked about:
Problems they had experienced while using pip, and how they solved them (with a focus on what information sources they used)
How they rate pip’s documentation, and what we could do to make the docs more useful
What documentation (from other projects or languages) they find valuable, and why
We collected documentation feedback via two surveys:
In our survey that profiled pip users, we asked “What would be your ideal way of getting help with pip?”
We also published a survey specific to pip’s docs:
Keyword research¶
We used keyword research tools to understand what words (“keywords”) people use when using search engines to troubleshoot pip problems.
Other research methods¶
We also:
Asked for volunteers to participate in a diary study, documenting their experience solving pip problems. Unfortunately this was not completed due to lack of interest from the community.
Asked for user feedback on the pip documentation site:
Unfortunately, we did not gather any useful feedback via this effort
Installed analytics on the pip docs. We are waiting for this to be merged and start providing useful data.
In total, we:
Conducted 5 user interviews about pip’s documentation
Received 141 responses to the question “What would be your ideal way of getting help with pip?”
Received 159 responses to the documentation survey
In general, we found that pip’s documentation is underutilized by the community, with many users not knowing that it exists. Instead, most users turn to common tools (Google, Stack Overflow) to solve their pip problems.
In response to the question “When you have a problem using pip, what do you do?” (multiselect):
81.9% of respondents Google it
56.9% of respondents search or ask on Stack Overflow
33.8% of respondents use pip help from the command line
25.6% of respondents go to the pip docs
20.6% of respondents go the the Python Packaging User Guide
8.1% of respondents ask on a forum, community board, or chat channel
Based on survey results, users find pip’s docs:
Marginally more useful than not useful
Marginally more clear than unclear
Not opinionated enough
Common feedback that emerged from both surveys and user interviews includes:
The documentation performs poorly in search engine results
The style and layout is dated (note: this feedback was collected before the new theme was deployed)
There is not enough guidance/examples on how to resolve common problems, or achieve specific goals
The documentation information architecture is difficult to navigate (the monolithic structure of the user guide is a problem) and does not prioritise the most useful content
There should be more instructions specific to each user’s different situation (e.g. what operating system they are using)
The scope of the documentation is unclear
The documentation should recognise that pip exists within an ecosystem of other packaging tools
“There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.” - i.e. the documentation should provide stronger recommendations
While some users mentioned that video would be helpful, more said that video was too long, or inappropriate for the kind of problems they experience using pip.
Some users mentioned that in person support, forums or chat would be helpful, with many unaware of existing support / community channels.
Several users also noted that improving pip’s error messages would reduce the need for better documentation.
From our keyword research we identified seven query types: “about pip”, “install pip”, “uninstall pip” “update pip”, “using pip”, “errors”, and “other”.
See keyword research results
About pip¶
what is pip
what is pip in python
what is pip python
what does pip mean
what does pip stand for
what does pip stand for python
pip meaning
Install pip¶
get pip
python install pip
install pip
installing pip
how to install pip python
how to install pip
how to download pip
how to get pip
how to check if pip is installed
install pip mac
how to install pip on mac
install pip on mac
install pip linux
how to install pip linux
how to install pip on linux
how to install pip in ubuntu
how to install pip ubuntu
install pip ubuntu
ubuntu install pip
pip windows
install pip windows
pip install windows
how to install pip windows
how to install pip in windows
how to install pip on windows
how to pip install on windows
how to install pip on windows 10
how to run pip on windows
Uninstall pip¶
how to uninstall pip
uninstall pip
pip uninstall
Update pip¶
how to update pip
how to upgrade pip
pip update
pip upgrade
upgrade pip
how to upgrade pip on windows
Using pip¶
how to use pip
how to use pip install
how to pip install
how to use pip python
how to install with pip
how to run pip
python how to use pip
pip install requirements.txt
pip requirements.txt
pip freeze
pip update package
pip install specific version
pip upgrade package
pip uninstall package
no module named pip
pip command not found
pip is not recognized
‘pip’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
-bash: pip: command not found
pip is not recognized as an internal or external command
pip install invalid syntax
how to add pip to path
how to check pip version
how does pip work
where does pip install packages
pip vs pip3
where is pip installed
The prevalence of “install pip” queries strongly suggests that the current installation documentation should be improved and that users are searching for solutions specific to their operating system.
The “about pip” queries also suggest that beginners would benefit from documentation that better explains pip basics - e.g. what pip is and what it does.
Based on our research, we recommend that the pip team:
Revise the structure of the documentation:
Break monolithic pages into standalone pages on different subjects, with appropriate meta tags. This will help the docs appear higher in search results for the 81.9% of users who use Google to troubleshoot their pip problems.
Prioritise most used features (see “buy a feature” results for guidance)
Add a “troubleshooting” section to the documentation that addresses common questions, explains error messages and tells users where they can find more help
Provide more context about pip’s role in the Python packaging ecosystem by:
Introducing packaging concepts that users need to understand in order to use pip
Explaining pip’s role/scope within the packaging ecosystem
Comparing pip to other tools
Develop a beginner’s guide that walks new pip users through everything they need to know to use pip’s most basic functionality. This should include addressing concepts outside of pip’s scope (e.g. how to open and use a terminal, how to set up a virtual environment), that may block users from being successful
For each page, (where appropriate), add sections for:
“tips and tricks” - things to know / gotchas
“troubleshooting” - possible error messages and recommended solutions. Where appropriate, this should link to content in the troubleshooting section.
“see also” (links to external resources - e.g. useful stack overflow questions, blog articles, etc.)
In general, write content that:
Is opinionated. Prioritize solutions that will work in the majority of cases, while pointing to possible edge cases and workarounds in “tips and tricks”, “troubleshooting” and “see also” content
Uses keywords to increase search results visibility
Provides instructions for different contexts - e.g. for users on Windows, Linux, MacOSX
Increases interlinking with external sources, including
Suggested site map¶
Based on the above user input, we have developed a proposed site map (link opens larger format image) to help guide the redevelopment of pip’s documentation in line with the above recommendations.
See notes for this site map
Node 1.0: Quick reference¶
Page purpose:
To give pip users a quick overview of how to install pip, and use pip’s main functionality
To link to other (more detailed) areas of the documentation
Suggested content:
Quick installation guide, including how to use a virtual environment. This is necessary for user who want to install more than one Python project on their machine.
Common commands / tasks (based on buy a feature data)
Node 2.0: About pip¶
Page purpose:
To introduce pip to new users
Suggested content:
Introduce pip as a command line program
Explain what the command line is and how to use it in different operating systems
Explain what pip is/does, and what it stands for
Link to packaging concepts (node 2.1)
Explain pip’s scope (e.g. to install and uninstall packages) and link to other tools (node 2.2)
Node 2.1: Packaging concepts¶
Page purpose:
To introduce packaging concepts for new pip users
Suggested content:
What is a package?
What types of packages are there? e.g. file types
What is package versioning / what are requirement specifiers? (note: talk about potential dependency conflicts here)
Where do I get packages from?
How should I control how packages are installed on my system (e.g. virtualenv and environment isolation)
How can I reproduce an environment / ensure repeatability? (e.g requirements files)
What do I need to know about security? (e.g. hash checking, PyPI name squatting)
Link to node 2.2 (“pip vs other packaging tools”)
Node 2.2: pip vs other packaging tools¶
Page purpose:
To compare pip to other tools with the same scope
To highlight that pip exists within a packaging ecosystem and link to other packaging tools
Suggested content:
Compare pip to other installation tools - e.g. poetry, pipenv, conda. What are the features, pros and cons of each? Why do packaging users choose one over the other?
Briefly introduce other packaging projects. Link to
Node 3.0: Installing pip¶
Page purpose:
To help pip users install pip
Suggested content:
Refactor current page, emphasising pathways for different operating systems
Add “tips and tricks”, “troubleshooting” and “see also” (link to external resources) sections to provide additional help
Node 4.0: Tutorials¶
Page purpose:
To provide a jumping off place into pip’s tutorials
Suggested content:
Link to tutorials, including sub pages, where appropriate
Node 4.1: Using pip to install your first package¶
Page purpose:
To help new pip users get started with pip
Suggested content: Step by step tutorial (possibly broken into several pages) that covers:
Using the command line
Installing pip (or checking pip is installed)
Creating/activating a virtual env (use venv for this, but point to alternatives)
Installing a package
Showing where the package has been installed
Deactivating/reactivating virtualenv
Uninstalling a package
Node 4.2: Advanced tutorial - using pip behind a proxy¶
Page purpose:
To help advanced pip users achieve specific goals
Suggested content:
Step by step tutorial for using pip behind a proxy
NB: other advanced tutorials should be added as identified by the team and/or requested by the community.
5.0: Using pip¶
Page purpose:
To provide a jumping off point for the user guide and reference guide
Suggested content:
Link to each subject in the user guide
Link to reference guide
5.1: User guide¶
Page purpose:
To provide users with specific detailed instructions on pip’s key features
Suggested content: Break down current user guide into separate pages, or pages linked by subject. Suggested order:
Running pip
Installing Packages
Uninstalling Packages
Environment recreation with requirements files
sub heading: “pinned version numbers”
sub heading: “hash checking mode”
Listing Packages
Searching for Packages
Installing from local packages
Installing from Wheels
Wheel bundles
“Only if needed” Recursive Upgrade
User Installs
Command Completion
Basic Authentication Credentials
Using a Proxy Server (includes link to tutorial)
Constraints Files
Using pip from your program
Where possible, each page should include:
“tips and tricks” for workarounds, common gotchas and edge use cases
“troubleshooting” information, linking to content in node 6.2 (“Troubleshooting error messages”) where applicable
“see also”, linking to external resources (e.g. stack overflow questions, useful threads on message boards, blogs posts, etc.
Note: the following content should be moved:
Fixing conflicting dependencies (move to node 6.2 - “Troubleshooting error messages”)
Dependency resolution backtracking (move to node 6.2 - “Troubleshooting error messages”)
Changes to the pip dependency resolver in 20.3 (move to node 7.0 - “News, changelog and roadmap”)
5.2: Reference guide¶
Page purpose:
To document pip’s CLI
Suggested content:
6.0: Help¶
Page purpose:
To provide a jumping off place for users to find answers to their pip questions
Suggested content:
Links to
6.1 “FAQs”
6.2 “Troubleshooting error messages”
6.3 “Finding more help”
6.1: FAQs¶
Page purpose:
To answer common pip questions / search terms
Suggested content:
What is the difference between pip and pip3?
Where does pip install packages?
How can I check pip’s version?
How can I add pip to my path?
Where is pip installed?
What does pip stand for?
See popular questions on Stack Overflow for more examples.
6.2: Troubleshooting error messages¶
Page purpose:
To help pip users solve their problem when they experience an error using pip
Suggested content: For each (common) error message:
Explain what happened
Explain why it happened
Explain what the user can do to resolve the problem
Note: the ResolutionImpossible and dependency resolution backtracking documentation should both be moved here.
6.3: Finding more help¶
Page purpose:
To point pip users to other resources if they cannot find the information they need within the pip documentation
Suggested content:
See getting help
7.0: News, changelog and roadmap¶
Page purpose:
To share information about:
Recent changes to pip
Upcoming changes to pip
Ideas for improving pip, specifically highlighting where funding would be useful
Suggested content:
Links to PSF blog posts about pip
Link to fundable packaging improvements
8.0: Contributing¶
Page purpose:
To encourage new people to contribute to the pip project
To demonstrate that the project values different types of contributions, e.g. not just development
To recognise past and current contributors
Suggested content:
Introduction to pip as an open source project
Contributors code of conduct
Recognition of the different types of contributions that are valued
Credit list of contributors, including pip maintainers
8.1: Development¶
Page purpose:
To onboard people who want to contribute code to pip
Suggested content:
8.2: UX design¶
Page purpose:
To onboard people who want to contribute UX (research or design) to pip
To share UX knowledge and research results with the pip team
Suggested content:
UX guidelines, and how they apply to the pip project
Current UX initiatives (e.g. open surveys, interview slots, etc.)
Previous research and results, including UX artifacts (e.g. personas)
8.3: Documentation¶
Page purpose:
To onboard people who want to contribute to pip’s docs
To share previous research and recommendations related to pip’s docs
Suggested content:
This guide
Writing styleguide / glossary of terms - see the Warehouse documentation for an example.
Future research suggestions¶
To continue to improve pip’s documentation, we suggest:
Conducting card sorting with pip users to establish the ideal order and grouping of pages
Regularly reviewing the documentation analytics, to understand those pages which are most/least visited
Regularly reviewing Stack Overflow to identify questions for the FAQ
Setting up a mechanism for collecting user feedback while users are on the documentation site