pip show


python -m pip show [options] <package> ...
py -m pip show [options] <package> ...


Show information about one or more installed packages.

The output is in RFC-compliant mail header format.


-f, --files

Show the full list of installed files for each package.


  1. Show information about a package:

    $ python -m pip show sphinx
    Name: Sphinx
    Version: 1.4.5
    Summary: Python documentation generator
    Home-page: http://sphinx-doc.org/
    Author: Georg Brandl
    Author-email: georg@python.org
    License: BSD
    Location: /my/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    Requires: docutils, snowballstemmer, alabaster, Pygments, imagesize, Jinja2, babel, six
    C:\> py -m pip show sphinx
    Name: Sphinx
    Version: 1.4.5
    Summary: Python documentation generator
    Home-page: http://sphinx-doc.org/
    Author: Georg Brandl
    Author-email: georg@python.org
    License: BSD
    Location: /my/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    Requires: docutils, snowballstemmer, alabaster, Pygments, imagesize, Jinja2, babel, six
  2. Show all information about a package

    $ python -m pip show --verbose sphinx
    Name: Sphinx
    Version: 1.4.5
    Summary: Python documentation generator
    Home-page: http://sphinx-doc.org/
    Author: Georg Brandl
    Author-email: georg@python.org
    License: BSD
    Location: /my/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    Requires: docutils, snowballstemmer, alabaster, Pygments, imagesize, Jinja2, babel, six
    Metadata-Version: 2.0
       Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
       Environment :: Console
       Environment :: Web Environment
       Intended Audience :: Developers
       Intended Audience :: Education
       License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
       Operating System :: OS Independent
       Programming Language :: Python
       Programming Language :: Python :: 2
       Programming Language :: Python :: 3
       Framework :: Sphinx
       Framework :: Sphinx :: Extension
       Framework :: Sphinx :: Theme
       Topic :: Documentation
       Topic :: Documentation :: Sphinx
       Topic :: Text Processing
       Topic :: Utilities
       sphinx-apidoc = sphinx.apidoc:main
       sphinx-autogen = sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate:main
       sphinx-build = sphinx:main
       sphinx-quickstart = sphinx.quickstart:main
       build_sphinx = sphinx.setup_command:BuildDoc
    C:\> py -m pip show --verbose sphinx
    Name: Sphinx
    Version: 1.4.5
    Summary: Python documentation generator
    Home-page: http://sphinx-doc.org/
    Author: Georg Brandl
    Author-email: georg@python.org
    License: BSD
    Location: /my/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    Requires: docutils, snowballstemmer, alabaster, Pygments, imagesize, Jinja2, babel, six
    Metadata-Version: 2.0
       Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
       Environment :: Console
       Environment :: Web Environment
       Intended Audience :: Developers
       Intended Audience :: Education
       License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
       Operating System :: OS Independent
       Programming Language :: Python
       Programming Language :: Python :: 2
       Programming Language :: Python :: 3
       Framework :: Sphinx
       Framework :: Sphinx :: Extension
       Framework :: Sphinx :: Theme
       Topic :: Documentation
       Topic :: Documentation :: Sphinx
       Topic :: Text Processing
       Topic :: Utilities
       sphinx-apidoc = sphinx.apidoc:main
       sphinx-autogen = sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate:main
       sphinx-build = sphinx:main
       sphinx-quickstart = sphinx.quickstart:main
       build_sphinx = sphinx.setup_command:BuildDoc