.. note:: This section of the documentation is currently out of date. pip developers welcome your help to update this documentation. If you're interested in helping out, please let us know in the `tracking issue`_, or just submit a pull request and mention it in that tracking issue. .. _`tracking issue`: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/7279 ====================== Continuous Integration ====================== Supported interpreters ====================== pip support a variety of Python interpreters: - CPython 3.7 - CPython 3.8 - CPython 3.9 - CPython 3.10 - CPython 3.11 - CPython 3.12 - Latest PyPy3 on different operating systems: - Linux - Windows - macOS and on different architectures: - x64 - x86 so 42 hypothetical interpreters. Checks ====== ``pip`` CI runs different kind of tests: - lint (defined in ``.pre-commit-config.yaml``) - docs - vendoring (is the ``src/_internal/_vendor`` directory cleanly vendored) - unit tests (present in ``tests/unit``) - "integration" tests (mostly present in ``tests/functional``) - package (test the packaging steps) Since lint, docs, vendoring and package tests only need to run on a pip developer/contributor machine, they only need to be tested on the x64 variant of the 3 different operating systems, and when an interpreter needs to be specified it's ok to require the latest CPython interpreter. So only unit tests and integration tests would need to be run with the different interpreters. Services ======== pip test suite and checks are distributed on `GitHub Actions`_ which provides free executors for open source packages. .. _`GitHub Actions`: https://github.com/features/actions Current run tests ================= Developer tasks --------------- ======== =============== ================ ================== ============= OS docs lint vendoring packaging ======== =============== ================ ================== ============= Linux GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub Windows GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub macOS GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub ======== =============== ================ ================== ============= Actual testing -------------- +------------------------------+---------------+-----------------+ | **interpreter** | **unit** | **integration** | +-----------+----------+-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | x86 | CP3.7 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.8 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.9 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.10| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.11| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.12| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | PyPy3 | | | | Windows +----------+-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | x64 | CP3.7 | GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.8 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.9 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.10| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.11| GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.12| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | PyPy3 | | | +-----------+----------+-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | x86 | CP3.7 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.8 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.9 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.10| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.11| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.12| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | PyPy3 | | | | Linux +----------+-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | x64 | CP3.7 | GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.8 | GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.9 | GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.10| GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.11| GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.12| GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | PyPy3 | | | +-----------+----------+-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | arm64 | CP3.7 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.8 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.9 | | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.10| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.11| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.12| | | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | PyPy3 | | | | macOS +----------+-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | x64 | CP3.7 | GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.8 | GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.9 | GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.10| GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.11| GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | CP3.12| GitHub | GitHub | | | +-------+---------------+-----------------+ | | | PyPy3 | | | +-----------+----------+-------+---------------+-----------------+