==================== UX Research & Design ==================== Over the course of 2020, the pip team has been working on improving pip's user experience. Currently, our focus is on: 1. `Understanding who uses pip`_ 2. `Understanding how pip compares to other package managers, and how pip supports other Python packaging tools`_ 3. `Understanding how pip's functionality is used, and how it could be improved`_ 4. `Understanding how pip's documentation is used, and how it could be improved`_ You can read the `overall plan`_ and the `mid-year update`_ to learn more about our work. How to contribute ----------------- Participate in UX research ========================== It is important that we hear from pip users so that we can: - Understand how pip is currently used by the Python community - Understand how pip users *need* pip to behave - Understand how pip users *would like* pip to behave - Understand pip's strengths and shortcomings - Make useful design recommendations for improving pip If you are interested in participating in pip user research, please `join pip's user panel`_. You can `read more information about the user panel here`_. We are also looking for users to: - `Give us feedback about pip's new resolver`_ - `Tell us how pip should handle conflicts with already installed packages when updating other packages`_ Report UX issues ================ If you believe that you have found a user experience bug in pip, or you have ideas for how pip could be made better for all users, you please file an issue on the `pip issue tracker`_. Work on UX issues ================= You can help improve pip's user experience by `working on UX issues`_. Issues that are ideal for new contributors are marked with "good first issue". Test new features ================= You can help the team by testing new features as they are released to the community. Currently, we are looking for users to `test pip's new dependency resolver`_. Next steps ---------- In the coming months we will extend this documentation to include: 1. Summaries of our user research, including recommendations for how to improve pip 2. Tools for the pip team to continue to practice user centered design (e.g. user personas, etc.) .. _Understanding who uses pip: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8518 .. _Understanding how pip compares to other package managers, and how pip supports other Python packaging tools: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8515 .. _Understanding how pip's functionality is used, and how it could be improved: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8516 .. _Understanding how pip's documentation is used, and how it could be improved: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/8517 .. _overall plan: https://wiki.python.org/psf/Pip2020DonorFundedRoadmap .. _mid-year update: http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2020/07/pip-team-midyear-report.html .. _join pip's user panel: https://tools.simplysecure.org/survey/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=827389&lang=en .. _read more information about the user panel here: https://bit.ly/pip-ux-studies .. _Give us feedback about pip's new resolver: https://tools.simplysecure.org/survey/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=989272&lang=en .. _Tell us how pip should handle conflicts with already installed packages when updating other packages: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KtejgZnK-6NPTmAJ-7aWox4iktcezQauW-Mh3gbnydQ/edit .. _pip issue tracker: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/new .. _working on UX issues: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22K%3A+UX%22 .. _test pip's new dependency resolver: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/user_guide/#changes-to-the-pip-dependency-resolver-in-20-2-2020