.. _`pip wheel`: ========= pip wheel ========= Usage ===== .. tab:: Unix/macOS .. pip-command-usage:: wheel "python -m pip" .. tab:: Windows .. pip-command-usage:: wheel "py -m pip" Description =========== .. pip-command-description:: wheel .. _`1-build-system-interface`: .. rubric:: Build System Interface This is now covered in :doc:`../reference/build-system/index`. Differences to ``build`` ------------------------ `build `_ is a simple tool which can among other things build wheels for projects using the standard ``pyproject.toml``-based build interface. It is comparable to the execution of ``pip wheel --no-deps .``. It can also build source distributions which is not possible with ``pip``. ``pip wheel`` covers the wheel scope of ``build`` but offers many additional features. Options ======= .. pip-command-options:: wheel .. pip-index-options:: wheel Examples ======== #. Build wheels for a requirement (and all its dependencies), and then install .. tab:: Unix/macOS .. code-block:: shell python -m pip wheel --wheel-dir=/tmp/wheelhouse SomePackage python -m pip install --no-index --find-links=/tmp/wheelhouse SomePackage .. tab:: Windows .. code-block:: shell py -m pip wheel --wheel-dir=/tmp/wheelhouse SomePackage py -m pip install --no-index --find-links=/tmp/wheelhouse SomePackage #. Build a wheel for a package from source .. tab:: Unix/macOS .. code-block:: shell python -m pip wheel --no-binary SomePackage SomePackage .. tab:: Windows .. code-block:: shell py -m pip wheel --no-binary SomePackage SomePackage